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History of the village
At the confluence of Laskó and Aranyos streams where the valley opens up after the strait of Laskó, humanity settled early in history. Flint tools and a polished bone arrowhead found in the Laskó valley prove that the area could have been inhabited as early as the Neolithic period.
Bronze age people from the Highlands – the Kyjatice culture – also left fragments of their typical pottery around here. The intermontane basin lying between Pétervására and Bátor hides several archeological sites from this period, mainly urn grave cemeteries and huge hillforts with ramparts.
During the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin the Aba clan from the Kabar tribe got the Tarna valley, thus probably the area of Bátor, already inhabited those days, as proven by finds, was also under their rule.
Later Palóc people of Kabar origin settled here and ethnographically the village still belongs to the Palóc land today.
Until the 13th century the village was a royal castle estate, then it was the property of Pósvár, later of Szarvaskő.
In the Turkish days the area was devastated, but soon it was repopulated again.
By the 17th century major part of the village was ruled by the bishopric of Eger and it didn’t change until the Second World War.